################################################################################ ## ApPHP EasyInstaller X-White Template # ## -------------------------------------------------------------------------- # ## Developed by: ApPHP # ## Version: 1.0.1 # ## License: ApPHP Template License v.1 # ## Site: https://www.apphp.com/php-easyinstaller/ # ## Copyright: ApPHP EasyInstaller Templates (c) 2013. All rights reserved. # ## # ################################################################################ Thank you for using ApPHP.com software! -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Software requirements: ApPHP EasyInstaller v3.2.0 or later version. A new installation of the template for ApPHP EasyInstaller is a very straight forward process: Step 1. Uncompressing downloaded file. ------------------------------------- Uncompress the ApPHP EasyInstaller Template archive. The archive will create a directory called "PHPEI_TPL_xxx". Step 2. Uploading files. ------------------------------------- Upload content of this folder (all files and directories it includes) to the directory called "install/templates/" in your easy installer site directory using FTP. Pay attention to DON'T use the capital letters in the name of the folder (for Linux users). public_html/install/templates/ or public_html/{easy-installer directory}/install/templates/ Step 3. Selecting the new template for your site. ------------------------------------- Now you can select this template for your easy installer. To do this, open install/include/settings.inc.php file, find there following line of the code define('EI_TEMPLATE', 'default'); and replace it with define('EI_TEMPLATE', 'x-white'); Save changes in this file. Congratulations, you now have ApPHP EasyInstaller X-White template installed!