REQUIREMENTS - PHP and MYSQL SERVER SETTINGS Adjust PHP settings to allow uploading large image files: - max_execution_time: max execution time of scripts (Suggested: > 300) - max_input_time: max execution time of upload (Suggested: > 300) - memory_limit: not equal to post_max_size or upload_max_filesize (Suggested: > 512M) - post_max_size: the maximum size of the file you want to upload - upload_max_filesize: the maximum size of the file you want to upload INSTALLATION 1) unzip 2) copy all files and directories into your hosting server root directory or subdirectory 3) access to http://yourserver/directory/install/start.php 4) follow the wizard and complete the installation UPDATE 1) take backup of file /config/ 2) take backup of directories /viewer/panoramas/, /viewer/videos/, /viewer/content/, /viewer/maps/, /viewer/gallery/, /viewer/icons/, /backend/assets/ 3) upload new file versions into your hosting server root directory or subdirectory 4) logout from backend and re-login P.S. if config file (1) and directories(2) missings, restore from your backup copy Changelog 4.1 - added transition fadeout setting - added a css editor to customize the viewer in the backend settings (general or related to the virtual tour) - converting images to progressive (load faster from browser) - minor improvement in multires mode - added more options to plans - added possibility to view/change plans to users (now manually contact by email for change it) - added internal note for virtual tours (only visible to admins) - added more preview styles of marker tooltips 4.0 - introduced multi resolution panoramas support (beta) - added transition settings to virtual tours for control zoom and time before entering the next room - added placement of pois in perspective - added whatsapp chat support - added possibility to set tooltip on markers (custom text, room preview, room name) and pois (custom text) - added possibility to play embedded audio of video panoramas - added controls to video panoramas - added keyborad controls "z" to go prev room and "x" to go next room 3.9.1 - fixed a bug when uploading panorama image/videos sometimes not detect correct type - fixed check license 3.9 - added multi language supports - added in editing room the possibility to go edit next and previous room without go back to the list - added cancel button on editing pois and markers - added direct action on editing markers to go to next room and edit its markers - added editor user's role to edit only assigned virtual tours - added title and description to images in the Main and Pois galleries 3.8 - added search on virtual tours, rooms, maps backend's sections - added to each room the link of the virtual tour with the relative starting room - added expiring dates to virtual tours with redirect urls (only for admins) - added map north setting - added target (blank,self) for POI type link external - added automatic mode in presentations 3.7 - added POI type images gallery - added keyboard's navigation support - added intro images for displaying instruction or something else - when editing the room, the point on the map and its viewing angle are shown to better set the north - detect hyperlinks in live session chat - when uploading an image with the bulk function, the file name is retained as the map name - fixed a bug with room's menu list creation - fixed audio autoplay 3.6 - added Room's Annotations - added Room's List Menu editable to show an organized textual list of rooms - added POI type audio - moved info box creation in a separated menu with a better content editor - when uploading an image with the bulk function, the file name is retained as the room name 3.5 - added live sessions to invite people to join a shared virtual tour session with video call and chat - added upload of audio files in the rooms that are played when entering them - added more style settings to virtual tours for hide/show some viewer components - fixed device orientation that was deactivated sometimes - fixed some backend issues for iphone / ipad 3.4 - added support for 360 videos as room's panorama - added POI type to play 360 videos - added registration for customers with default plan assignment (useful for trial) - added expires day for plans - added landing page creation toggle for plans - added friendly urls blacklist into settings to limit their use from customers - fixed a bug with the room list slider - fixed a bug that background sound not stop after open a video 3.3 - modified angle of view's direction to the map with the color of the pointer - added an option to rooms to show or not into the slider list - added editor for create landing page - added facebook messenger chat - cleaned viewer interface and redesigned the menu 3.2 - added angle of view's direction to the map - added email field to users - added edit profile for current logged-in user (change username, email, password) - added mail server settings - added forgot password to login - added more POI styles - added title and description to POI type image - added possibility to upload local mp4 video to POI type video 3.1 - added POI form fields's type for better validation - added settings to auto show room's list slider after virtual tour load - added customizable main form for entire virtual tours - added bulk upload map images (fast create multiple maps) 3.0 - added same azimuth in virtual tour settings to maintain the same direction with regard to north while navigate between rooms - accept also PNG panorama files - added maximum width setting in pixels of panoramic images. if they exceed this width the images will be resized - added more detailed statistics - added POI type form to create simple form and store collected data on database - fixed a bug in editing presentation elements order 2.9.2 - added virtual tour's hyperlink setting for logo - reusable content (logos and song) for new virtual tours creation 2.9.1 - added a POI type link (external), that open link in a new page instead of embed it - cleaned up code that was detected as malware 2.9 - redesigned poi and markers backend sections - added poi and markers individual style settings - added possibility to resize poi and markers - added icons library - custom images to use as poi and markers 2.8 - added possibility to change map points size - added a compression settings for uploaded panorama images - added possibility to limit upper and lower pitch degree of rooms - added placement of markers in perspective - added possibility to activate / deactivate virtual tours - added white label settings 2.7 - added friendly url to publish link with a custom url - added google analytics integration - fixed meta tag for better share preview 2.6 - added possibility to auto start or not the virtual tour at loading - added customizable background loading image - added possibility to hide the compass - added some shortcut on backend - minor bugfix / improvements 2.5 - introduced voice commands support - customizable poi's icon - added poi types 'html' and 'download' - added possibility to change markers color and background - added possibility to change pois color and background 2.4 - introduced webvr support 2.3 - added bulk upload panorama images (fast create multiple rooms) - sync room's list position when change room 2.2.1 - fixed a bug with whatsapp share 2.2 - added multi maps functionality - added name of map and possibility to change color of points - improved map visualization 2.1 - added possibility to change room's order - added possibility to protect the virtual tour with a password - fixed a bug in the gallery 2.0 - added POIs type content as custom html/text - added navigation by next / prev arrows - added a info box customizable via backend - added an image's gallery customizable via backend 1.9 - added nadir logo (to hide tripod) - added possibility to set autorotate on inactivity - customizable marker's style / icon 1.8 - added a presentation feature customizable via backend 1.7 - added custom logo for each virtual tour - cleaned loading screen - speed up the first load with background preload of rooms 1.6.1 - improved compatibility / bugfix 1.6 - added users menu backend (only for administrator): manage customers and administrators who can use the application - added plans menu backend (only for administrator): manage plans with limitation of creation of virtual tours, rooms, markers, pois - added script that automatically clean unused images 1.5 - added control to show/hide map - added control to show/hide icons - added control to show/hide rooms list - added control to share the virtual tour - added control to play/stop song 1.4 - fixed room upload with resize if image is too large - added possibility to allow or not vertical movement of rooms - minor bugfix 1.3.1 - bugfix 1.3 - added a complete and intuitive backend for create virtual tours without editing code 1.2 - added pois for show image, video or external link 1.1 - correct some bug - improved mobile resolution 1.0 - initial release